With Love We Remember and Celebrate the Life of Jane Hicks, 13th February 1964 – 4th July 2021

Memorial Service at St James’ Wednesday 21st July 11.30am

Due to the current situation, the decision has been made to limit the numbers in church to 200, for the safety and comfort of those attending.

Masks to be worn, unless medically exempt, Leaders will remove masks while speaking. Please sanitise your hands on arrival.

All doors and windows will be kept open throughout. Sound will be broadcast outside into the Churchyard – so that anyone who does not want to risk coming into church can take part. There will be a live online feed and video recording on youtube, with links published on Facebook – so that any who don’t wish to attend can watch the service from home.

Jane Hicks 13.02.1964 – 04.07.2021

Donations in lieu of flowers will be towards St Leonard’s Hospice, York and the upkeep and work of St James’ Church, Rawcliffe.

Donation for Jane Hicks