Safeguarding Policy

St James’ Rawcliffe Safeguarding policy as approved May 2019.

Safeguarding Policy — St. James, Rawcliffe (Reviewed : March 2019)
Our church recognises that everyone needs to be rightly valued and cared for in all aspects of their lives but most especially when they are vulnerable. We understand ‘vulnerable’ to mean – whenever someone is in a position
where someone has power over them: Thus all people are at times vulnerable and it is even possible to use ones own power to put oneself in a vulnerable state. For example: – when even the most competent and strong willed adult is in a dentist’s chair they are in a vulnerable position which, incidentally, they have chosen to put themselves in.
So our approach is that in all we do we work to the following:
Whenever and however anyone has power over anyone or their situation
they use that power for good and minimise the risk of harm.
We understand good safeguarding to not only be about looking after children and vulnerable adults, but also about looking after everybody who is in any way involved with our church, minimising the risk that harm may come to them and where harm has occurred providing ways to bring healing and wholeness.
Good safeguarding is about creating safe, caring cultures, environments and working practices.
Within this we recognise that we can never fully remove risk, but we can minimise risk and inform people of ongoing risk in a way that they can understand and choose to either accept those risks or choose not take part in that activity.

To enable this to happen effectively and well we all need to be aware of, and understand, the following points:
All Volunteers and Staff will be appointed and work to ‘safer recruiting’ guidelines – They will agree their role, have appropriate checks (DBS, etc), know who their ‘leader’ is, and have an annual review –
We will risk assess all our activities and facilities and mitigate against any identifed risks.
Records will be kept of risk assessments, mitigating actions achieved
and relevant information will be communicated to all the appropriate people.
We will provide any necessary protective equipment, safety training and equipment (including for emergencies).
Our activities will be undertaken with transparency and openness usually with at least two ‘leaders’ present.
Any concerns about any activity / part of activity; or facility / part of a facility or anyone who has acted on the church’s behalf are welcomed and should be communicated to the appropriate person – see list below –
Any issues which are of concern about the general well-being of an individual or issues they present or raise (disclosures), should be taken seriously. If necessary the person or persons concerned should be kept safe, reassured that their concerns are being addressed and will be communicated only to those who need to know (kept appropriately confdential). The issues should not be investigated by anyone other than the appropriate experts who should be consulted as soon as possible.
Records of what has been said, seen and done should be made as soon as possible and kept.
Attendance at and participation in our activities will be at the choice of users or their legal guardians.
As necessary, information about the risk in activities will be communicated
and permission to partake in activities will be obtained.
Record keeping will be secure yet accessible to users and any others legally required to see this information. Only necessary
information will be retained or communicated. All incidents will be recorded and, as necessary, passed to authorities.
Touch, language and tone of voice will be appropriate and proportionate.
If any volunteer or person working on the church’s behalf is not sure about a ‘safeguarding’ issue or the safety of an
activity or action they should always get clarifcation and guidance from a better qualifed source before proceeding.
The full Diocesan Safeguarding Policy is available in church and is likely to be a good place to fnd clarifcation but if ‘expert advice is needed’ do seek it out from Church or Diocesan Safeguarding Offcer or other sources.

When raising a concern
If there is an immediate and grave issue or risk take appropriate action to reduce and minimise the ongoing risk
– but always act within as much expert advice as can be obtained and never in a way which increases the risk –
Otherwise – the usual approach, to raising concerns, would be:
in the first instance tell the leader of the activity or in an emergency ring 999
If you feel your concerns are not being taken seriously by those you have contacted, talk with the appropriate experts until you are satisfied that the matter has been properly dealt with. The following would be the normal order to do this
firstly: the church safeguarding officer, vicar or health and safety representative, as appropriate
Vicar: Revd Philip Ball – 01405 767721; Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Maria Butterill 01405 ;
Health &Safety –
secondly: the Diocesan Safeguarding Offcer Linda Langthorne t; 01709 309149 m;07871 796682
thirdly: Childline 0800 1111 (or similar national helpline) and/or the Police on 101