Resignation of The Archbishop of Canterbury

‘Philip, our Vicar, and all three of the Church communities in our Benefice of Airmyn, Hook and Rawcliffe, agree with the statement made by our Diocean Bishop, Pete and the Bishop of Doncaster, Sophie (see link below).  Like them, we hold in our prayers all who are victims of abuse. We would re-iterate their commitment to ensuring that our safeguarding procedures are such that our churches and church activities are safe places where everyone can flourish and find healing and hope.’

The following is the statement by our Bishops (on the diocese of Sheffield website)

Gift Day 2023 – 15th July 9.30am-12noon

We thank so many of you for your previous support whcih has enabled us to keep the church here and available to our community for another year
and ask you and any others for help going forward.

Note Too: as well as our regular work and maintenance, we are pursuing plans to improve the accessibility of the church building including developing a multi access toilet and more efficient heating.
All of this will be costly but worthwhile because of the benefits to many who use this church. Many details of these plans are available in church, further details will be available soon about iterations of these.

GIFT DAY 2023 – this year’s campaign has now finished.

Donations can still be made via our give a little system, – PLEASE CLICK HERE to access this or go to Donations on the site menu

All we do at St James is only possible because of the generosity of local people who give money, time or volunteer their skills and talents for which we are very grateful.

We can only keep this building up, open and available if we pay our way. We are not supported by central Church of England funds and whilst part of our staffing costs are met by the support of the Diocese of Sheffield, all of our other costs have to be raised locally.

If a lot of people give even a small amount each this soon adds up enabling
the continuation of the work of St James and its support to the community.
These gifts help us avoid the very real risk of closure within this generation.

On the day we will gratefully receive any gifts that you wish to bring to church at the times we are open 9.30 – 12noon, alternatively gifts can be given electronically, placed in the boxes provided at the two Costcutter shops,
sent to the vicarage, given to a congregation member or dropped into church.

We thank you in advance for any help or support and wish you all the best.

the vicar of Rawcliffe, on behalf of all of the church

Philip Ball / Joy Hodgson – Vicar / Treasurer – of St James
c/o The Vicarage, 12 Church Lane, Hook DN14 5PN t; 01405 767721